
Saturday, November 19, 2011

I road a wild donkey today!

I road a wild donkey today!  And what does that mean?  It means, I had an idea...I started a project...and rather than doing part of it and finishing it later, I road the wild donkey until it was done.

Man, does it ever feel good to finish something!

I can't show you my finished piece just yet because it's a bit of a surprise.  But here's a glimpse at the encaustics that I was cooking up this afternoon:

For more on wild donkeys head over HERE.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm back!

Photo by Elizabeth Halt
I know, I didn't know I was leaving either...until the days ticked by...and by...and suddenly it looks like I've been gone for a while.

From this online space, anyway - not from the real world stuff.  I basically had to "check out" here to "check in" elsewhere.  So it goes.

What I realized though, is that while I say I've been "out of the creative loop" lately, I've still been creative - in other ways.  More of that to come in the future.  Right now I want to share some things that I've been loving lately!

1.  Let's start with this gorgeous photo above!  It's courtesy of my friend, Elizabeth, who has started the neatest's A GRAB BAG of IMAGES.  Basically, you purchase her images (digital files) - for whatever price you feel is fair - and use them as you wish!  It's the coolest concept - sharing her beauty with the world - go check it out!

2.  Goddess Leonie is one of those names that I had seen in the e-world quite a bit but never checked out.  But when I found out about the World's Biggest Summit that she was hosting I couldn't NOT listen in.  A little secret about me: I'm addicted to podcasts about creativity & creative souls.  I usually fill my well by listening to Creative Living with Jamie every week, but The Summit had 100 people in one month!  Crazy.  I was so excited to see that Jamie Ridler was one of them.  The past 6 weeks have involved A LOT of highway driving for me...and let me just say that the only reason I'm still sane is because of these podcasts.

3.  Check out this camera strap.  I can't believe that Michelle Allen is actually giving away her camera strap(s)!  When I met Michelle at Artfest last year, it was one of first things that drew me to her.  :)  And I've been thinking about that strap ever since.  Ok, maybe I'm a little weird.  But anyway, I was catching up on blogs the other day & saw that she's having a contest to give it away.  Perhaps it will be a serendipitous moment for me.  :)  But if you want to get in on the fun then check out the details on her blog.

Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world...I've missed you all!