
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Miz Mooz Mania

So Shawn says I'm obsessed.  He might be right.  But I say, when you finally find your style...go with it!

When I first met Miz Mooz it was love at first sight.  She was different.

And then I met her again.  And again.  And...well, now I've got myself quite the collection!  But here's the thing:  I'm on a campaign to set my sights on another pair of Miz Mooz shoes - and I need your help!

Luna Blue  (my favourite shoe store) is having a contest.  My photo was shortlisted and now it's time to vote.  The 3 photos with the most votes win a new pair of shoes!

So please head on over HERE and vote for my photo - NUMBER 11.  Do it again, and again, until Sunday, April 24th - and spread the word!

Here's my shot that was chosen.  And I'll be sure to post a picture of my new shoes after I win.  :)  Many thanks & much gratitude!



  1. Great shoes!! I voted a few times for you :)

  2. Those boots are awesome! I want the green ones. Except they look like they might have higher heels. Alas, we might not be meant to be.

  3. thanks girls! I should have mentioned...those aren't all my boots above - haha! That WOULD be quite the collection. :) But I do have the red ones with all the buttons. :)
