
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hands Up How apps!

I love it when people share tricks of the trade!  Like Liz Lamoreaux does here when she talks about filling her Etsy orders...or like Regina from Creative Kismet does here by describing her learnings from another craft fair she participated in.

So when I heard about Jamie Ridler's Hands Up How To quest, I was game!

Give a hand up.  Help someone out.  Show someone how what you do.  Share what you know.

And what do I know?!  Well, lately I know how to rock it on the iPhone.  Photography, that is.

It's true, I bought this phone for the photo apps...and have absolutely no regrets!

With photo apps, creativity doesn't have to take time.  It doesn't have to cost a lot.  And best of all, you can feel like a pro photographer in just a matter of clicks & taps.  

So let's sift through some of the fantastic photo fun to be had on your iPhone (and I say iPhone because that's what I know..but I'm sure you can find similar apps on your Android or whatever you're using..just search in the App Store).

Anyway, here's what I'm loving lately:

1.  Funky Frames!  It's all about presentation.  What photos don't look good when they're neatly packaged together in a collage?  There are so many ways you can put your photos together.  Try Diptic, Pic Collage & Frametastic!  Diptic has many layouts to choose from - load photos from your current photo album or take new pictures to fill the frame.  Pic Collage also offers a quick and easy way to present your photos while Frametastic adds funky backgrounds to your collage.  Experiment!

photo collage using Frametastic

2.  Fun with friends!  Everyone loves those old school photobooths in the mall.  Trust me, it's just as much fun...if not more...without the mall!  Try PopBooth or MPhotobooth for hours of laughter...things can get pretty carried away, pretty fast.  :)  PopBooth even mails your picture to someone at the click of a button.  ShakeItPhoto & MultiShot are also fun to play around with.

apparently I'm liking the limelight in this PopBooth photo!

3.  Artsy Images in an instant!  Turn your photos into art...literally.  With PhotoArtista-Oil, it takes your image and turns it into an oil painting.  ToonCamera turns your image into a cartoon.  And watermyphoto turns your photo into...well, water!  Seriously, you need to just play around with these explanation needed.  :)

A photo of a painting I was working on...processed with the watermyphoto app!

4.  Take the shot just a little further!  If you have a little more time to play around, I highly recommend Dynamic Light & PictureShow.  There's so much you can do to play around with your colours, contrast & creativity.  And Image Blender actually lets you lay one photo on top of another...creating some really neat textures.  It takes a bit of time to learn what looks best...but play, play, play.

exploring in an abandoned farm house...image processed with Dynamic Light

5. Words, words, words!  I love the idea of combining words & images.  Sometimes you just need a word to get your point across.  Try Phonto or Labelbox. 

And finally, where would I be without Instagram?  I think it deserves it's own paragraph.  Instagram is like an instant boost for the ego....but it's not about the ego, it's about the love.  Simply put, when people like your photo, it makes you feel good.  And it feels good to get your photos out into the world.  It's tons of fun to follow others from around the world's like you're travelling without the noisy airports & dwindling back account!

Instagram offers many options for adding that extra little bit of splash to your photo.  Play around with the filtered effects and add a tilt-shift blur for an instant highlight on a section of your photo.  Here's a simple trick: If you have a little more time on your hands, play around with some of those other apps that I talked about above to create the perfect image.  Save it to your photo album, then open Instagram and pull that image up to post it.

Here's one of my Instagram posts.  I took a photo of my reflection in a barn window, layered it with another photo of a heart shape in a wood door, and pulled that up on Instagram.  
Already on Instagram?  

I'd love to see your part of the world...or come find me at username: katedaniel :)   

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Louise Gale's heART swap

There once was an artist & life coach named Louise Gale, whose mission was to "raise the consciousness of the world, one by one through practicing self-care, love, kindness, forgiveness & gratitude through creative expression."  Now that's a mission!

With the help of other creatives, she gets right to it...over at Your Heart Makes A Difference.  Go check it out!  

One day she decided that she wanted to create a global herART swap to create, share & receive LOVE in the form of a gorgeous piece of artwork.  

I decided I would join in the love.  And so did Kolleen Harrison.  

Kolleen and I were randomly matched by Louise to be swap partners  - which was oh so cool...cause I actually know Kolleen!  She is one special woman.  I met her at an art retreat a couple years ago.  But that's another story.  :)

To make this long story short, I arrived home one day last week to find the most spectacular of was layer upon layer of goodness!  Wow, does this girl ever know how to make one feel special.  It was almost too pretty to open - with HEARTWINGSISTERS gracing every nook and cranny.  

Thank you Kolleen for the beautiful art, cards & bracelet - however she knew that I love that saying, "know and do" is beyond me!  

If you want to check out her blog post about the swap, head on over here.  And do you remember that wild donkey that I rode a couple weeks ago?  This is a picture of the finished piece that I sent her.  It's hard to see but the piece is covered in bees wax. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Barn beauty

Barn beauty by Kate Daniel
Barn beauty, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.

Consistent is not a word that I would use to describe my I figured it wouldn't hurt to do 2 posts in one day! I just have to share a fun experiment that I had with another iPhone app. Painting with my makes you wonder why you need to paint at all, doesn't it...if you can do this with a few quick phone tricks. Perhaps I should take my painted picture and paint that?! The possibilities are endless...

A winter story...

A winter story... by Kate Daniel
A winter story..., a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.

I don't know what it is about getting away...but being in unfamiliar territory brings out the creative in me. Maybe it's the slowing down, maybe it's the change of scenery, maybe it's just the magic of the unknown. I'm having fun playing with my iPhone this the middle of nowhere Alberta...prairies. This lonely pitchfork called to I layered it with a photo of a nearby building. I love this story. The "winter on the prairies" story.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I road a wild donkey today!

I road a wild donkey today!  And what does that mean?  It means, I had an idea...I started a project...and rather than doing part of it and finishing it later, I road the wild donkey until it was done.

Man, does it ever feel good to finish something!

I can't show you my finished piece just yet because it's a bit of a surprise.  But here's a glimpse at the encaustics that I was cooking up this afternoon:

For more on wild donkeys head over HERE.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm back!

Photo by Elizabeth Halt
I know, I didn't know I was leaving either...until the days ticked by...and by...and suddenly it looks like I've been gone for a while.

From this online space, anyway - not from the real world stuff.  I basically had to "check out" here to "check in" elsewhere.  So it goes.

What I realized though, is that while I say I've been "out of the creative loop" lately, I've still been creative - in other ways.  More of that to come in the future.  Right now I want to share some things that I've been loving lately!

1.  Let's start with this gorgeous photo above!  It's courtesy of my friend, Elizabeth, who has started the neatest's A GRAB BAG of IMAGES.  Basically, you purchase her images (digital files) - for whatever price you feel is fair - and use them as you wish!  It's the coolest concept - sharing her beauty with the world - go check it out!

2.  Goddess Leonie is one of those names that I had seen in the e-world quite a bit but never checked out.  But when I found out about the World's Biggest Summit that she was hosting I couldn't NOT listen in.  A little secret about me: I'm addicted to podcasts about creativity & creative souls.  I usually fill my well by listening to Creative Living with Jamie every week, but The Summit had 100 people in one month!  Crazy.  I was so excited to see that Jamie Ridler was one of them.  The past 6 weeks have involved A LOT of highway driving for me...and let me just say that the only reason I'm still sane is because of these podcasts.

3.  Check out this camera strap.  I can't believe that Michelle Allen is actually giving away her camera strap(s)!  When I met Michelle at Artfest last year, it was one of first things that drew me to her.  :)  And I've been thinking about that strap ever since.  Ok, maybe I'm a little weird.  But anyway, I was catching up on blogs the other day & saw that she's having a contest to give it away.  Perhaps it will be a serendipitous moment for me.  :)  But if you want to get in on the fun then check out the details on her blog.

Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world...I've missed you all!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


ElectraVibe by Kate Daniel
ElectraVibe, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.
Letting go...pushing past the comfort zone. Sometimes it takes a push from a friend. I just had to share this latest creation that I created for Vivienne's Swan Dive class. It's totally unlike anything I've done before - and I like it!

Monday, September 19, 2011

She let go

She let go
She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.
She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.
She didn’t ask anyone for advice. She didn’t read a book on how to let go. She didn’t search the scriptures. She just let go. She let go of all of the memories that held her back. She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward. She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right.
She didn’t promise to let go. She didn’t journal about it. She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer. She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope. She just let go.
She didn’t analyze whether she should let go. She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter. She didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment. She didn’t call the prayer line. She didn’t utter one word. She just let go.
No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked her or praised her. No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.
There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It was what it was, and it is just that.
In the space of letting go, she let it all be. A small smile came over her face. A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone forevermore.
- Ernest Holmes

I am taking a leap...won't you please follow me here:

Much love.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Swan Dive: Week 1

I'm experimenting with Photoshop Actions for week 1 of Swan Dive.  
This is my SOOC (straight out of camera) image...

...and this is the same shot using the In-Faux-Red (B&W) action from Totally Rad.  
I love how it highlights the mist coming off the water...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

From the owl

Completion by Kate Daniel
Completion, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.
I finally finished one of my paintings that I started in the How to Paint an Owl class that I mentioned I was taking. The colours are a little intense in this shot because I took it on my phone...but I decided to just "let it go" & not be perfectionist Kate by retaking the picture. Proud of me? :) Wow, does it ever feel good to complete something. Two more to come...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The postcards arrived!

Remember that postcard swap that I mentioned a month or so ago?  Well, my postcards arrived!  I had kind of forgotten about the swap, actually, so it was fun getting surprise snail mail!  I love how varied the postcards are - everything from photographs to mixed media.  Everyone's so talented!

This first postcard shown here is from the very organized and dedicated woman that started it all - Kat Sloma.  Very organized, indeed, as she swapped 1020 postcards, amongst 170 people in 13 countries.  Can you believe this?!  All while in the midst of moving from Europe back to The States this summer.  She's a talented photographer and runs awesome e-courses - be sure to go check her out!

Hmm...isn't this next one just deliscious?  Tammy Lee Bradley is yet another talented photographer (from Florida) whose name I see all over the blogosphere.  From Shuttersisters  (can you believe that a S sister arrived at my door??) to Mortal Muses to her awesome blog Bliss & Folly - her shots are so full of color & life.

Phyllis from New England sent me this next one...and wrote this awesome fortune cookie message on the back: "Never judge a work of art by its defects."  When I checked out her blog I was instantly drawn in.  For not only does she love photography, but she's a self-proclaimed Scanner!  Good to know I'm not the only one!  For anyone that's familiar with Barbara Sher, you'll understand.  

On we go to Carola Bartz; originally from Germany and now residing in California.  She shared this lovely quote by Marcel Proust:  "Do not wait for life.  Do not long for it.  Be aware, always and at every moment, that the miracle is in the here and now."  Too true, too true - thanks Carola!  Go check her out - with a passion for photography and mixed media, what's not to love!?

This next one is all the way from Alaska!  Actually, now that I think of it, Alaska is probably closer to me than some of the other States...but it sounds far away.  :)  Deb Christensen shared this one.  She does "multi-media art and stuff" - love that!  With one quick look at her blog I can tell that she is living a full life!  Can't wait to go back and check it out some more.

To finish off my postcard swap I received this one from Sheila in Okotoks, Alberta.  Crazy.  For those that aren't familiar with it, it's only about 30 minutes from me!  I find it funny that this postcard travelled from her, then to Kat in Oregon, then back to me in Canada.  And another weird thing...I'm fairly sure that I've corresponded with Sheila before - I recognized her name/city from one of Tracey Clark's Picture classes.  Look closely at the postcard - it's a "snow cat."  So creative!

And I think that sums it up!  Can't wait to go find out where these postcards of mine turned up!  Maybe in someone's house 30 minutes from me?  Maybe another continent?  Look at all this magic that was created!

Now if only I could figure out how to link in (if anyone has any advice please let me know!!) that you can see everyone else's posts...but for now, just head on over to Kat's blog.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A breath of fresh air

A breath of fresh air by Kate Daniel
A breath of fresh air, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.
I am so excited to have had this photo featured on Shuttersister's One Word Project yesterday!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Expectation Hangover

I believe I have an Expectation Hangover.  

Definition:  The exhaustion of trying to figure out your life while trying to have the time of your life. 
- Christine Hassler in 20 Something Manifesto

I need to simplify.  Refocus.  Regroup.  Sound familiar?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Saskatoons in Fish Creek Park

I have the luxury of having Provincial Park almost right out my back door.  A few weeks ago I rode my bike through the park to my favourite "workout stairs" and discovered a ton of saskatoon bushes!  I LOVE saskatoons.  So I figured it was time to see if these puppies were ripe.  
And ripe they are.  And delicious.  

If you look really hard you can see the Saskatoons hanging in clusters.
I like to pick a bunch and then pop the whole thing in my mouth at once.  :)
Can you see the fly on the top of the photo?
This momma duck wasn't happy that I was there.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Backyard beauty

We moved into our house about a year ago.  
It had a gorgeous backyard, if I do say so myself.  

There's this little nook, of sorts, in one area of the yard...a circular area...surrounded by greenery.  
A table sits atop concrete blocks.  

I remember noticing this spot the first time we looked at the house & thinking to myself that it was the perfect spot for creating.  
A perfect little piece of paradise.  

Well, I'm happy to report that it is.  
The perfect spot.  
A perfect little piece of paradise.  

I could only carve an hour out of my schedule today to paint...but I'll take what I can get.  

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Colour Inspiration

So I've overloaded myself with e-courses again!  I've been hunting for light with Vivienne McMaster...diving into Superhero Photo with Andrea Scher...just started the How to Paint an Owl class with Juliette Crane...and of course Picture Inspiration with Tracey Clark keeps me busy all year long.

I've job a little bit of an addiction, it seems.

I'm trying really hard not to stress myself out by trying to keep up to them all...because at the end of the day, my main goal is just to bring more creativity into my life.  To take more pictures, pick up the paint brush a little more often, get "out there" a little more.

Thought you might enjoy a few shots from my backyard...I am using these as colour inspiration for Juliette's class.  Owl painting to come... :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Popcorn anyone?

popcorn anyone? by Kate Daniel
popcorn anyone?, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.

My sporadic blog posts are driving me crazy! Ahh! I hate doing things half ass. Much like this popcorn, I feel like I'm all over the place. The ideas are flowing..or popping...and the walls are melting down like butter. But I just can't seem to find my flow on this blog - it's driving me nuts! Perhaps I need to make caramal nut popcorn instead. Anyway, today you get a picture. Cause at least that's one thing that I've been doing lots of lately - taking pictures. Yes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Eye C U..

Is this freaky?! by Kate Daniel
Is this freaky?!, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.

My seen by my iPhone...can you even believe that this is possible? A mini macro attachment for my phone...what will they think of next? Best $20 I ever spent!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Storms have been brewing

The days have been hot lately.  Not complaining.  Summer's been a long time coming!  But it's making for some interesting evening skies!