
Sunday, February 13, 2011

For realz??

Ok people.  Can you tell me what is wrong with this picture?  I was so dumbfounded to find these happy, little INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED oranges while shopping at Superstore this weekend.  I seriously did a double take.  It's witnessing atrocities like this that make you feel so powerless against the consumer society - of which I am a part of!  I mean, does my recycling really make a difference when you're going up against this on a global scale?  And so, I did the only thing that I felt I could do at the time - I took a picture.  


  1. um....why would your wrap an orange. i mean if you want just one, take one to the register.
    so weird.

    happy love day miss kate.

  2. Unbelievable. And it just drives me CRAZY to see people still having their groceries packed into a gazzilion PLASTIC bags in the checkout lane without batting an eye. I always want to make a snide comment but so far have bitten my tongue. One of these days....

  3. I hear ya sister! Good for you for taking a pic and posting this. I usually take the passive agressive way of complaining really loudly to my children. Does make me wonder if all of those little pieces of paper, plastic bags and cat food cans I recycle really matter. Thanks for the lovely post on my blog. nice to 'meet' you too.

  4. Weird. (It looks like they have sad faces drawn on them. If so, how appropriate!)

  5. that's really sad and weird. i totally don't get it.
