
Friday, April 29, 2011

I Won!

I know!  Can you believe it?  That little contest I was talking about...well, I actually won!  
I'd like you to meet my new Miz Moozs...  Aren't they cute?!  I just might turn into a girly girl one day...

These are my wish big heels. 
My what's the worst that can happen? heels.
My get out there and try heels.  
And I like how they fit.

Thank you so much to everyone that voted for me and a huge thanks to Jen and her partner at Luna Blue.  If you're in Calgary you definitely need to check out their funky little store.  

Now if it would just stop snowing...  :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"I Love You." Plain and Simple.

I could tell he wasn’t just uncomfortable; he was in a lot of pain.  By that time, as I would later learn, the cancer had a firm grasp on his insides. 

But, as always, he still managed to put others first. 

“What’s Shawn up to today?”

“Oh, he’s in a squash tournament.  He said to say hi.” 

He took a moment to squeeze down the pain and then matter-of-factly chuckles, “Do it while you can.” 

I felt uneasy.  But I managed to murmur out a quiet, “Yep.”

I hadn’t heard this side of him before.  I wondered if that was what giving up sounded like. Or perhaps it was wisdom.  His athletic years were long gone, of course, but even so he seemed to be coming to terms with the fact that even the simplest things (like walking and talking) were becoming more difficult, day by day.  

Do it...while you can...

We buried my grandfather yesterday morning.  It was a beautiful ceremony for a life well lived.  And yet, I keep coming back to that conversation.  And I wonder: If I would have known those were the last words I would share with my granddad, would I have chosen different ones? 

Like, “I Love you.”  Plain and simple.

But these are the games that we play with ourselves when a loved one dies. 

Is there something we could have done differently?  Said differently?  If we could just go back in time and do this or say that…then perhaps things would be different.  Perhaps we would feel less pain. 

But of course we can't go back.  Instead, I breathe in the tears, face forward, and know that:

I loved enough.

I said enough.

I am enough.

Plain and Simple.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Miz Mooz Mania

So Shawn says I'm obsessed.  He might be right.  But I say, when you finally find your style...go with it!

When I first met Miz Mooz it was love at first sight.  She was different.

And then I met her again.  And again.  And...well, now I've got myself quite the collection!  But here's the thing:  I'm on a campaign to set my sights on another pair of Miz Mooz shoes - and I need your help!

Luna Blue  (my favourite shoe store) is having a contest.  My photo was shortlisted and now it's time to vote.  The 3 photos with the most votes win a new pair of shoes!

So please head on over HERE and vote for my photo - NUMBER 11.  Do it again, and again, until Sunday, April 24th - and spread the word!

Here's my shot that was chosen.  And I'll be sure to post a picture of my new shoes after I win.  :)  Many thanks & much gratitude!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Seattle: iPhone Style

So this little thing we call an iPhone is proving to be a valuable tool.
More and more I find myself opting to take the lightweight option...and sometimes the weather doesn't permit lugging around my "real" camera & all the lenses.  Yep, 2 weeks ago Seattle saw my phone many times... 

Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, 
and remember more than I have seen.  ~Benjamin Disraeli

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Been quiet

I have been quiet in this online world lately.  Been thinking, and sorting, and learning, and doing.  It's been a much needed break.  And I feel like I'm in a really great place right now.  And have lots to due time.  Life is full.