
Monday, May 7, 2012

Prepping my booth sign for Make It

I've seen this idea before in the crafty cyberspace and couldn't wait to try it! All you do it take your favourite fabric, stretch it between some embroidery hoops, et voila! Before doing that though, I printed my name on some iron-on transfer paper and pressed it onto the fabric. I'm going to pin these to the drapery behind my table at Make It this weekend. What do you think?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Encaustic - Swallow

Encaustic - Swallow by Kate Daniel
Encaustic - Swallow, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.
So one of the reasons that my blog has been lacking lately is because I've been madly prepping for the coolest craft show ever, called Make It - The Handmade Revolution. It'll be the first time that I really give it a go with my photos - we'll see what happens! But I figured I should make some art too since I'm calling myself Kate Daniel Art and Photography. :) So this is the art that I came up with last night!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Be here now

Be here now by Kate Daniel
Be here now, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.

“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Waiting for the green

Waiting for the green by Kate Daniel
Waiting for the green, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.
It's been kind of gloomy and wet around here lately. Not a lot of green. But I can feel that it's coming...any day now. In the meantime, I've been taking advantage of the indoors and madly prepping for Make It - Edmonton. I'll be selling my photos at this craft fair in a little over a week...come check it out!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Winter's end

Winter's end by Kate Daniel
Winter's end, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.

Inspiration can come from the most unexpected places. While clicking through my Instagram feed the other day, I read this..."Beginning is easy - continuing hard"... shared by Bookbabie...aka Lilli Day ( It's true, I've been so focused on beginning..crossing things off my list - many "firsts" - that I haven't stopped to think about the continuing part. But here I am. Ready to try again.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A painting finished, a flight in sight

Life has been a bit of a gong show lately.  You know those days...when every hour seems to be scheduled.  When the minutes slip by into days that are lost - gone forever - and you're not really sure what just happened.  It's getting to be springtime around here, and I wonder how that happened so quickly.

It's times like these where I want to just get away from it all.  Head off on a little holiday and have a little time for self-reflection and FUN.  It's times like these that I pat myself on the back for having the foresight to actually schedule in some planned fun!

That's right.  I'm heading off on a little holiday tomorrow.  It's a quick trip - but I know it will be a deep one.  I've been looking forward to this for months now.  Can't wait to see a handful of my scarf sisters...and meet this amazing this awesome looking corner of the world.  Good times, good times.

But before I leave, I feel the need to update you on my massive painting that was inspired by Flora Bowley.  It started out like this.

Then morphed into this.

And then this.

And finally, the finished product.

I actually kinda like the 3rd painting the best - but whatever!  It will be interesting to see what becomes of my canvases after being immersed in Flora's techniques for a full 3 days.

A funny story about that finished product though.  It would probably still be a half finished project were it not for my better half.  He said I couldn't go on this trip - or Artfest at the end of March! - until it was done.  He gets me.  He knows what motivates me.

But just between you and me, I probably still would have gone anyway.  :)


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Snowshoe day

I checked off quite a few things from my list this weekend.  When I'm on a roll I want to keep rolling.  But sometimes you just have to take advantage of a fresh snowfall & get the snowshoes out.  I'm glad I did!  This winter has been unusually warm...but I'm not complaining.  :)  

check out the vintage maple leaf ski pole!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I made it into Make It!

OMG I seriously can't believe it.  

I sent a dream out into the world a few weeks ago...

...and I blew my own mind when I actually followed through and applied for this craft fair.

The one I've been dreaming about for years.  

Well guess what?  I actually made it into 
Make It!
And it came in the form of this email...can you believe it?  

"you are IN!! 

Woot woot, fist pumps, high 5s, booty shake, jump up, jump up and jump down!!! 

So now that we have that out of the way. Take a deep breath and give yourself some hardcore positive acknowledgement. We had more applications come in than ever before. Like, almost a scary amount!! You are selected because we believe in you, your line and your ability to shine (yes it rhymes but it is still all true!)  You stood out from the bunch, and made an impression."

Now I guess I'd better get busy!  :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Etsy announcement!

I interrupt this random and infrequent let you know that my Etsy shop is live!  I seriously can't believe it.  It's been a long time coming (and dreaming) and I almost pulled my hair out this afternoon over this beauty:    Introducing...THE blog banner...

Ok, no time for chit chat.  I should probably work on listing more than one item.  :)  

Come have a look!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Finish things

I have a dream.
I dream that I will one day live off of my creativity.
I dream of working for myself.  Of filling my days doing what I love.  And getting paid for it.

I have another dream.
Of opening up an Etsy shop.

Now I know some of you are thinking, "Seriously?  It's not that hard.  Just do it."  Well, I'm here to tell you that it is that hard.  Maybe hard's not the right word.  But it certainly takes a lot of work, time & attention to detail.  Every little step seems to take a million other little steps.  I've come a long way, but I'm not quite there yet.

The other night, after a tireless day of prepping & organizing for my shop opening, I realized that it just Was Not Going To Happen that day.  So in an act of desperation & frustration, I decided to breathe.  (sigh)  And then I had a conversation with my wise self:

"Am I really meant to go down this path?  Am I really meant to live off of my creativity or am I just meant to live creatively?"

And my wise self said to me, "Yes, of course you are dear.  Live what you love and the money will follow."

"Well then, why does it seem so impossible?  Why does it seem so impossible?"

"Because it is.  If you make it so.  And besides, you wouldn't appreciate it so much if it came easy.  Now would you?"

"So what now?" I asked.

And my wise self wisely said,
"Finish things.
Start things.
Do things.
Make things.
But most importantly, FINISH THINGS."

And with that I went to bed.

Today’s post is part of a brave blogging link-up LIV LANE is hosting for the courageous students in her How To Build a Blog You Truly Love e-course.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

2011 Create with K8

Many of you know that I'm addicted to art retreats.  I love participating in art activities, exploring photography, and being surrounded by other creative souls.  But one thing I always find myself saying when I'm at these retreats is, "I wish the ladies back home were here"...or "so and so would love this"...or "why don't I do this more often?"

So in 2011 I decided to bring the art retreat to me!  One Sunday afternoon out of each month, "the girls" gathered at my house for a creative adventure.  People came when they could make it; it was a no pressure, no experience needed kind of thing.  We did everything from rock painting to xmas tree decorations...but the end result wasn't the important thing.  It was about creating, it was about community...and turning a dream of mine into reality!

In honour of each and every one that joined me along the way - and to all those that really wanted to come but just couldn't get the stars to aline - I put together this little video of the monthly projects.  I hope the rest of you will enjoy it as well!

And now, on to 2012 dreams.  What are you dreaming about?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I just blew my own mind

oh my! by Kate Daniel
oh my!, a photo by Kate Daniel on Flickr.

"I just blew my own mind."

That was the subject of a recent email that I received from a friend.

Isn't that awesome?! Doesn't it make you want to do something that just blows your own mind, too?

I think I will vow to create as many mind-blowing moments for myself as possible in 2012. How about you?

(Another friend reminded me about this photo this other day...thought it was appropriate.)