
Saturday, March 3, 2012

I made it into Make It!

OMG I seriously can't believe it.  

I sent a dream out into the world a few weeks ago...

...and I blew my own mind when I actually followed through and applied for this craft fair.

The one I've been dreaming about for years.  

Well guess what?  I actually made it into 
Make It!
And it came in the form of this email...can you believe it?  

"you are IN!! 

Woot woot, fist pumps, high 5s, booty shake, jump up, jump up and jump down!!! 

So now that we have that out of the way. Take a deep breath and give yourself some hardcore positive acknowledgement. We had more applications come in than ever before. Like, almost a scary amount!! You are selected because we believe in you, your line and your ability to shine (yes it rhymes but it is still all true!)  You stood out from the bunch, and made an impression."

Now I guess I'd better get busy!  :)


  1. Well let me be the first to congratulate you!!!
    I wish you the best on this journey!
    The show looks amazing, I've signed up for their emails to stay in the "Loop"!!
    Have fun!
    PS I'm the one used to live in Calgary, now in BC, incase you were wondering, lol :)

    1. thanks so much Donna! And thanks for the reminder of who you are. :) I remember now! If you're in the area in May you'll have to come on by! :)

  2. thanks Jennifer! it's just a quick trip for you, no? :)

  3. That is amazingly awesome news! You go girl!!!
